Russischer Soldat wirft Granate direkt auf ukrainische Drohne, die Folgen sind unmittelbar.

Von RevolutionaryTwo6587


  1. Dubious_Odor on

    How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a grenade over them drones?… Yeah… Putin woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would’ve been taken Kyiv in 3 days.

  2. 00gly_b00gly on

    Back in high school he used to be able to throw a football a quarter mile.

  3. Total-Extension-7479 on

    After he croaked the average IQ of everyone in the area went up by a few points

  4. TheAviatorPenguin on

    So he was cosplaying as a ZSU-23? Good recreation of OFZ ammo 😅

  5. ToxicGrandma on

    Bro tried to time the explosion on air so he can turn from Frag to AA Flak. Nice try dude.

  6. And thats why ground to air attack + vodka doesnt match together well.

  7. AngryAccountant31 on

    Are they not teaching these people about gravity? Stop, drop, and roll isn’t in their curriculum either.

  8. Snips_Tano on

    Bro was toast when that drone was over him anyway, so he tried a Hail Mary. And hey, at least he saved the Ukrainians ammo thanks to his bad math

  9. Goatwhatsup on

    r/UkraineRussiaReport can someone tell me how there’s tons of people who are neutral/pro Russia in that sub? How stupid are they? They think they know some secret event that makes it okay for Russia to invade? They think they have some deep knowledge on the exact reason this is happening and therefore it’s totally justified?

    If you ever advocate for invading another country, or you just turn the other way, you’re part of the problem.

  10. looked like he was already fucked, that’s a lot of blood around the groin area before he threw it

  11. gold-rot49 on

    fuck do some human beings really think like this? like, forreals?

  12. TyrannosauRSX on

    Was a sound plan if it hadn’t been for that annoying gravity that’s all over the damn place.

  13. turnedonbyadime on

    “You can’t ~~fire me~~ drop a grenade on me because I ~~quit~~ drop a grenade on me.”

  14. it seems like he blew up his own face, this is what happens when 8 out 10 men in Rusia are alcoholic

  15. Weasel8687 on

    Thinking you could throw a grenade off your back at a drone 100ft in the air, STRAIGHT UP is legitimately one of the dumbest things i’ve ever seen, Darwinian Award Candidate!

  16. genocideofnoobs on

    Hope he doesn’t feel embarrassed. I do this all the time in COD.

  17. Pergaminopoo on

    Didn’t notice the “X” at first and thought somebody edited in a hit marker lol

  18. *A man who is struggling for his life, bleeding out, legs crippled, and has no other option other than a last ditch desperate attempt.*

    Redditors: “hurr durr dumbass!”

    All of you are sociopaths. I can understand this man’s thought process. It doesn’t look like he has a rifle to shoot at the drone. He clearly can’t get up and run away. He can do one of these things.

    1.) Let the drone drop a grenade on him and he dies
    2.) Use the grenade on himself and he dies


    3.) Cook the grenade for a moment, then throw it up hoping it explodes midair and take out the drone.

    Clearly it didn’t work out for him. But what other option for survival did he have? He’s scared, desperate, and trying to make it out alive.

  19. Trackmaggot on

    It has to be repeated…”We are lucky they are so fucking stupid”

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