Ein jüdisches Unternehmen in Ontario wurde bei einem Angriff zerstört, der „erheblichen Schaden“ verursachte



  1. KermitsBusiness on

    We are kinda fucked with issues like this, let in way too many unvetted people for our population and our young people aren’t the same mind as our old people on these issues.

  2. GoldenBella on

    At a certain point Canadian Jews, who’ve been in Canada for 100s of years as a community, will say fuck it… And leave permanently. With them leaves culture, proud Canadian spirit and heritage, and intellectual capital.

    RCMP and gov need to get a grip. Unless, of course, they are more interested in the perceptions of certain…. Demographics that are more friendly to these attacks on Jews.

  3. Emergency-Worry-5533 on

    These kinds of things are the lefts version of trumps moronic “There were very fine people on both sides”

  4. Nice that they have video. Hope they get caught and have to pay for the damages.

  5. Genuine-Risk on

    So just more antisemitism with useless terrorist supporters from certain backgrounds being happy this goes on.

  6. Superb-Home2647 on

    It’s like the left has never heard of Kristallnacht. It started with people being ok with things like this.

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