Jon Stewart kritisiert republikanische Gesetzgeber für die Forderung an Bedingungen für die Brandbekämpfung in LA: „Das ist psychotisch“


    1. Short_Elevator_7024 on

      Republicans relationships are purely transactional.

      Best way to describe the differences between left and right is, the left wants things that help the masses weather or not it directly helps them, the right wants things that help themselves or hurts people that don’t look like them.

    2. CarolinaPanthers2015 on

      Of course he ain’t fucking wrong there. All of those Republicans out there oughta be just so got damn stupid AND way out of their motherfucking minds for demanding any kinds of TOTALLY UNRELATED conditions to be put on all of that disaster relief for California. And uhhh……just look. If they really do wanna help out in sending out much needed relief to all of California, well then, ummm……that’s good. I’m all up for it. BUT they just really cannot throw in any kind of stupid ass conditions to that said disaster relief too.

      Like……for real, for real. They really should just throw the conditions right out of the window and save them for another time when it’s appropriate enough for them to take care of it.

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