7:54 Uhr; Am 1056. Tag der groß angelegten Invasion geht die Sonne über Kiew auf. Das Slovo-Gebäude, einst die Heimat vieler prominenter Ukrainer, die von Russen hingerichtet wurden.

Von Ukrainer_UA


  1. Ukrainer_UA on

    At the beginning of the 1920s, writers in the city of Kharkiv were living in harsh conditions. They had the idea of establishing an apartment building for people in the literary world, which they called the Slovo (Word) Building.

    However, the building did not save them: instead, it turned into a place of persecution, nicknamed ‘The Pre-Execution House’ by writer Ivan Bahrianyi. The majority of the Slovo Building’s residents were part of the ‘Executed Renaissance’ generation, who became the victims of repression in the 1930s.


    Since the full-scale invasion began, supporting our team and gathering donations has become more challenging as we, like everyone else in Ukraine, focus on fundraising for our defenders. Now, we turn to you—the international community and supporters of Ukraine—to help us continue producing vital stories that not only support Ukraine’s fight against invasion but also remind the world of the value of freedom.

    Please consider donating any amount [on our Buy Me a Coffee page](https://buymeacoffee.com/ukrainerinternational). Thank you.

  2. duellingislands on

    We wrote extensively about Slovo house, including how it was shelled by russians in 2022, in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/10hi05g/747_eet_the_sun_is_rising_on_the_332nd_day_of_the/).

    For more information on the entire generation of murdered Ukrainian intellectuals who are known as the Executed Renaissance, see these posts:

    [Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/trxfct/639_eet_the_sun_is_rising_on_the_34st_day_of_the/) | [Part II](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/tvs2e8/628_eet_the_sun_is_rising_on_the_40th_day_of_the/) | [Part III](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/u08wli/615_eest_the_sun_is_rising_on_the_45th_day_of_the/) | [Part IV](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/wgjhu5/531_eest_the_sun_is_rising_on_the_163rd_day_of/) | [Part V](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/wn3b78/543_eest_the_sun_is_rising_on_the_171st_day_of/)

    **Hundreds** of Ukrainian poets, dramatists, writers and artists were murdered in summary executions in a forest at the russian town of Sandarmokh in 1937 & 1938 alone.

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