Doug Ford sträubt sich über die Kommentare des Premierministers von Alberta, Donald Trump: „Sie spricht nicht für das Land“


  1. Thats the problem. Those that should be speaking for the country aren’t.

    Trump threw one hailmary out there and watch everyone scramble and expose the massive division in this country.

    What an incredible self own on the part of Canadas leadership.

  2. NotAtAllExciting on

    I live in Alberta and I agree with Doug Ford. Never thought I would type that.

  3. Thank god we have Doug speaking for Canadians because Trudeau thought this was a perfect time to fuck off.

  4. illuminaughty1973 on

    Neither are you Doug. That’s why we have elections and have a federal gov.

  5. Plucky_DuckYa on

    We think there’s no sacrifice too great for Alberta to bear on behalf of the country! But forget about any break on those transfer payments if your economy craters.

    Here’s an idea, let’s also withhold all car parts and vehicles from export to the US. That’ll teach ‘em. I’m sure Ontario will go along with that, right?

  6. Strange times when Doug Ford is a voice seemingly everyone is in agreement with.

  7. I can’t stand how this fucking guy runs Ontario, I hate every decisions he has made.

    But you know what, credit where it is due at least someone is saying what needs to be said. If he walks the walk after this talk and doesn’t capitulate he’s really going to be gathering a lot of political capital for himself.

    You know that we are in a fucking dire situation when everyday you wake up and see your self agree with something Doug Ford is saying .

    And I mean, holy fuck is it nice to see him call out Smith.

    Fuck that traitor.

  8. slashinvestor on

    OMG Alberta decided to go off into left field again? Wow, who da thunk dat! /s

    Let the downvoting begin. ;). Y’all know I am right… 😉

  9. Of course she does NOT speak for Canada, she speaks for her corporate handlers!

  10. Psychedelic_Doge on

    Is anyone else starting to like Doug? I feel like I’m taking Crazy pills lately!

  11. king_bungholio on

    It’s foreign policy and international trade – neither of them speak for Canada. That would be out Federal Government, so it would be nice if everyone else trying to make a deal (Ford, Smith, Eby, O’Leary, etc.) stopped and let the Feds deal with this. If they have issues they can speak to the Feds, but the Feds should be speaking as the singular voice for Canada.

  12. capncanuck00 on

    The fuck is happening when I’ve agreed with a Doug Ford hot take twice in a week… I need a drink.

  13. space-dragon750 on

    this is starting to feel like one of those awkward dinners with family who don’t get along

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