Beteiligung von Straßenbanden am Drogenvertrieb

Von sylvyrfyre


  1. Primary_Way_265 on

    7 Eleven: we have thousands of stores

    Street gangs:


  2. JoeBoredom on

    Really? There is a street gang in Ogallala, Nebraska? Population 4800.

  3. Fun-Passage-7613 on

    In my state, the demographic that is in gangs stick out like sore thumbs.

  4. infiniteblackberries on

    this is just a map of larger towns and cities


    Is this subreddit some kind of critical thinking test?

  5. valiantthorn on

    Looking at Colorado and Wyoming this is some sort of inflated bullshit.

    Edit: I take that back, as I forgot about the Rocky Mountain bloods of Vail 🖖 Gs up hos down

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