Vor 4 Tagen hat es geschneit


    Von Evening_Breath_9706


    1. So I read that, if the snow melts on one roof before it melts on neighbouring roofs, that’s likely a sign of worse thermic insulation. 

      Edit: though the house in the picture is maybe not heated (as much) due to construction.

    2. Cautious_Use_7442 on

      It’s an unheated building. If that’s the north side, then it’s hardly surprising. I still have snow in my garden (although only the parts that are in the shadow most of the time)

    3. Evening_Breath_9706 on

      It’s on the ground to in most places. And on my very much heated roof.

    4. Ok-Golf3815 on

      When it snowed in Ireland there was snow on the lawn for like 6-7 days for me

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