Lucy Liu sagt, sie habe Bill Murray in der Serie „Drei Engel für Charlie“ wegen „inakzeptabler“ Beleidigungen zur Rede gestellt, weil „ich mich selbst schützen werde“, wenn „etwas nicht stimmt“


  1. > “I really didn’t think about it,” Liu said about speaking out. “I would have done that in any situation. I think when I sense something is not right, I am going to protect myself. It’s an innate thing to do if you feel there’s injustice, and I always feel that way.”

    > Liu acknowledged that she is not someone who stays quiet and plays the typical Hollywood game, adding: “If I was, it would have been a much easier road. But because I’ve never been that person, we had to find a way. I think there has never been an easy road, for me and for [other Asian American actors] – I really think it’s a group effort. I would never take credit. My career has not been paved by myself.”

  2. Lifebite416 on

    We just don’t care. Bill Murray fans will love him regardless if something bugs you.

  3. TheCitizen616 on

    Holy hell….more than 25 years after the fact and they’re still writing articles about this feud?

  4. OregonTripleBeam on

    I used to be a big Bill Murray fan until so many stories surfaced about how much of a jerk he was/is to so many people.

  5. DubJDub9963 on

    This is an old story isn’t it? Is LL just looking for some attention?

  6. Good for her! I hope this gives younger actresses the confidence to speak up to protect themselves too.

    She’s so versatile and brilliant, her roles are such fun… last thing I saw her in was Why Women Kill, such a good season. Love her !

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