Rocket Punch (로켓펀치) – Yunkyoung (윤경) – Yunkyoung hat ihre eigene Modemarke namens KIKU gegründet (250114)


  1. moomoomilky1 on

    Hi, this is Yoon Kyung Seo. How is everyone doing in the new year of 2025?

    I’ve been living every day with a lot of nerves and excitement lately. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve only known myself as Rocketpunch’s Seo Yoon Kyung, and now that I’m on my own, I’m exploring my other self and interests for the first time in my life.

    I think I’m late because I’ve been thinking a lot about how to share this news about myself.

    All new things are always nerve-wracking, difficult, and unfamiliar, but on the other hand, I’m pretty excited about trying something new for the first time, and I’m pretty excited about being able to do it!

    The biggest reason is that I don’t want to disappoint my fans who love me more than anything else when they come to see me as a new Yoon Kyung, so I’m really nervous about every step of the way because I don’t want to disappoint you with something even better and cooler…!

    I always feel so much and I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to start and create new things like this because I have fans who believe in me, love me and wait for me!

    I’m not a very good writer and I was very hesitant about whether or not I could express all the gratitude and overwhelming feelings I have right now in words, but I’ve been spending a lot of time alone lately thinking about it and pouring my heart out in every single word…! I hope you’ll understand if it’s very clumsy and not perfect!

    Another first challenge and start in my life, I created a brand called KIKU, I thought and thought and thought about what I like to do besides singing and dancing, what I can do, what I’m good at, what other side of me I can show my fans and connect with them, and then I opened the door to fashion, which I love so much, and here we are.

    I love KIKU as a brand because I’ve been working really hard and preparing for every little thing since I started. It’s another thing I love that I’m starting on my own, without anyone else’s help, so I took extra care and preparation. My handwriting is terrible, but I’m sending everyone who purchases a box with their name and a small message in a letter format.

    Please stay tuned and support me as I take this new beginning and challenge one courageous step at a time. I will never forget the love and support you’ve given me and I will walk out to do better!



  2. DearCod6558 on

    oh my gosh good for her! i’m so excited to see where her brand goes, it must’ve taken so much courage to branch out into an industry she doesn’t have much experience in.

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