Als ich gerade aus dem Urlaub nach Hause kam, sah ich diesen Zettel im Flur meines Wohnhauses hängen. Was passiert, wenn ich den Kaminkehrer-Besuch verpasse? Ich habe dem Hausmeister geschrieben, ob ich einen Schlüssel für ihn hinterlassen kann, und er sagte, er sei nicht verfügbar, und ich habe auch zwei Nachbarn gefragt, die ihre Schlüssel an andere Nachbarn weitergegeben haben. Wird mir ein weiterer Besuch in Rechnung gestellt? Es nervt mich so sehr, dass sie diese Aushänge einfach ein paar Tage vorher im Flur anbringen.

Von horridgen


  1. LemonfishSoda on

    You need to call the number on the paper and ask for a different appointment.

  2. AdApart3821 on

    Call them tomorrow morning at the number provided (or even send a message today evening that you just saw the paper). You will agree with him for another date and I highly doubt that there will be any charge for you. The only thing that is important is that at some point you need to let the Kaminkehrer into your flat. That’s a legal obligation, and it gets really really uncomfortable (and expensive) if you don’t enable it. They may even come with police and break into your flat if you are away and they can’t reach you. Not on the first try though 😉

    They are usually quiet friendly and accommodating. If you call tomorrow there will be no problem. If you have to leave early tomorrow morning and are not certain you will reach him, tell one of your neighbours to tell him that you will reach out to him, and that you are not there because you did not get the message in time.

    don’t sweat it, there will be no problem.

  3. SpinachSpinosaurus on

    the visit is tomorrow. call into work tomorrow and ask if you can come later to work due the visit. Because yes, depending on the regulations in your contract they might charge you for the missed appointment.

    technically, you can and SHOULD call the number provided and tell them you tried to hand the key to somebody else, but got refused and to ask to a later appointment during this week.

    note: you are obliged to leave them in, since the maintainance and check up of the system is a legal requirement of the owner of the building / landlord and you are obliged to make sure they can meet this requirement. if not, and it happens too often, you might face getting kicked out of your apartment.

  4. Lost_Lecture1207 on

    The note says that you can call him and ask for a new appointment (keep in mind, though, that he might not understand English). So I would advise you to do just that. Also if you just arrived from your holidays the note might be hanging there for two weeks or so..?

    P.S. Where do you live that it’s called Kamenkehrer lol..? I’ve only heard Schonrnsteinfeger.

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