Smith droht mit einer „Krise der nationalen Einheit“ wegen Ottawas Drohung, die Ölexporte aus Alberta in die USA einzustellen


    1. sabres_guy on

      As a conservative Manitoba Premier once said of Alberta (and Sask’s) rhetoric when lumping other Provinces and the country into their political spin. Leave us out of it.

      Most of Canada knows retaliation is where we are headed and the only way forward if negotiations don’t work. It will hardly be a national unity crisis. An economic one? Hell yeah, but not one of those Alberta brand national unity crisises.

    2. IcarusFlyingWings on

      There it is. The real reason for her visit to Trump was to tell him Canada had a unity crisis that he can lean on to get what he wants.

      I made a comment the other day about how bad it looks for a premier to go meet with a head of state unofficially. Danielle is actively working against Canada and Albertans by undermining the federal government.

    3. FingalForever on

      I suspect there are more important exports that we could prohibit that will hamstring the US, given there few other possibilities and no domestic capacity.

      Having said that, Ford was right – if the US wants to play hardball, Canadians know how to do that and we as a team will come together to get us through playing such.

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