Neue Forschungsergebnisse prognostizieren in den kommenden Jahrzehnten einen dramatischen Anstieg der Belastung durch Demenz in den Vereinigten Staaten, wobei erwartet wird, dass jeder zweite Amerikaner nach dem 55. Lebensjahr unter kognitiven Schwierigkeiten leiden wird
A new study shows that the risk of developing dementia at any time after age 55 among Americans is 42 percent, more than double the risk reported by older studies.
That dementia risk translates into an estimated half-million cases this year, rising to a million new cases a year by 2060, according to the new work. Dementia involves progressive declines in memory, concentration, and judgment. The increasing number of cases is directly tied to the aging of the U.S. population. Beyond aging, a high risk of dementia is linked to genetic factors, as well as high rates of hypertension and diabetes, obesity, unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, and poor mental health.
The study authors attribute the previous underestimates of dementia risk to unreliable documentation of the illness in health records and on death certificates, minimal surveillance of early-stage cases of dementia, and the underreporting of cases among racial minority groups, which are disproportionately vulnerable.
This large study is a collaboration funded by the National Institutes of Health to NYU Langone Health and includes authors from Johns Hopkins University and other U.S. institutions. The new study relies on information gathered from the ongoing Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Neurocognitive Study (ARIC-NCS), which since 1987 has closely tracked the vascular health and cognitive function of nearly 16,000 participants as they age. ARIC-NCS is also, the researchers say, the longest-followed cohort of African Americans for researching cognition and heart health.
I blame microplastics
Also over 1 in 2 Americans over the age of 55 are over the age of 65 as well due to high proportion of boomers. I could see this claim being a bit misleading.