Schätzungen zufolge werden die jährlichen Demenzfälle in den USA bis 2060 auf 1 Million ansteigen


  1. scientificamerican on

    From the article: Around one million Americans may develop some form of dementia every year by 2060, according to a [study]( published on Monday in *Nature Medicine.* The latest forecast suggests a massive and harrowing increase from annual cases predicted for 2020, in which approximately 514,000 adults in the U.S. were estimated to be diagnosed with dementia—an umbrella term that describes several neurological conditions that affect memory and cognition.

    The new study also showed the lifetime risk of dementia increased progressively with older age. They estimated that after age 55, the lifetime risk of dementia is 42 percent, and continues to rise sharply to 56 percent after age 85. 

    Study: [](

  2. heavyhandedsir on

    I wonder if the credit cards worth of plastic in our brains is a contributing factor…

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