2025 wird uns einem Comeback des Wollmammuts näher bringen | Colossal Biosciences, das US-Unternehmen, das ausgestorbene Arten zurückbringen will, geht davon aus, dass die ersten Wollmammutkälber innerhalb der nächsten drei Jahre geboren werden.



  1. From the article: “Within the next two years, we will see our first mammal born fully ex-utero, grown completely from an embryo to a living, breathing functional animal,” says Ben Lamm, co-founder and CEO of Colossal, speaking to Newsweek.

    The goal is to start with the birthing of small mammals’ ex-utero and to work up to the birthing of elephants by this method, which will pave the way for mammoth births.

    In another significant development, The Colossal Foundation, the arm of Colossal Biosciences which is focused on scientific solutions for conservation and biodiversity today announced a $1.5 million to Dr George Church’s lab at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University.

    The collaboration between the Colossal Foundation and Dr. Church, aims to explore the use of artificial wombs to safeguard the future of species facing extinction.

    An artificial womb would provide a means to grow healthy embryos outside of a natural womb, making it possible for endangered species to be born in safe and controllable environments without the use of a surrogate.

    “Artificial wombs are both a technological marvel and a conservation imperative,” said Matt James, Executive Director of the Colossal Foundation.

    “By eliminating the need for surrogate mothers, these technologies could dramatically accelerate the rate at which threatened species can be restored and threatened habitats can be revitalized.”

    Colossal does not work on human applications for the artificial womb but acknowledges the potential of the technology for use in IVF clinics.

  2. Gustapher00 on

    So 3 years to recreating extinct species and then, like, 5 more to a Jurassic Park style emergency?

  3. Jonny-Kast on

    There’s literally a whole franchise of films to show why bringing back extinct animals is a bad idea… They’re called Ice Age and trust me, we don’t want Mammoths back because they can talk and they seem to have beef with humans already.

  4. Frankenfucker on

    Can we? Probably yes. Should we? Probably not considering the rate of climate change. This is an animal that is historically known for living in an ice age,and we want to bring it back in an era that is hotter than ever. I’m not attempting to be hostile or to belittle anyone.

  5. InsertKleverNameHere on

    I remember watching some documentary as a kid in the 90s where they found a very well preserved mammoth and were using the eggs from it or the sperm to bring back the mammoth and said something like 50 years before they would have an almost full blooded mammoth, but would never get 100% due to the process. I still wonder what ever came of that experiment.

  6. UprootedSwede on

    Considering the gestational period of an elephant is nearly two years this either suggestios they have dividing embryos already, or, that they’re completely full of shit.
    One might also ask what they mean by a Mammoth. Is it basically a hairy elephant with small ears? Or something that actually has primarily Mammoth DNA.

  7. niberungvalesti on

    Whenever I see an article like this im like oh they need a cash infusion, better talk about how close they are to actually reviving the extinct animals!

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