Warum steht auf meinem Personalausweis, wo ich arbeite, aber nicht auf einem deutschen Personalausweis?


Von Connect_Lie_3925


  1. Because you’re not german and therefore have special regulations to fulfill.

    In this case only working for that employer unless the Ausländerbehörde gives you their approval.

    Germans don’t need that.

  2. Because with a German ID card there are no restriction on where you’re allowed to work.

  3. Larissalikesthesea on

    Aufenthaltsgestattung is not a residence title (it just means you have applied for asylum without the proceedings having been finished) and does not constitute a residence permit. Thus, work is usually highly restricted, and all exceptions need to be spelt out in detail.

  4. Because German citizens, citizens of EU Member states, people with permanent residence etc. are allowed to have any kind of job without specific approval. In your case however, you need approval by authorities to work. Thus, the job that you got the approval for is listed on your document.

  5. Puzzleheaded_Sky7369 on

    Because wether you’re allowed to work and where depends on your residence permission (and maybe vice versa if you have a work visa)

  6. With an Aufenthaltsgestattung you are only allowed to work at a specific place with a specific role etc. which needs the foreigner’s office’s approval. With a German ID or even an Aufenthaltstitel, you have open access to the German job market and can even setup your own enterprise (Erwerbstaetigkeit).

  7. -GermanCoastGuard- on

    As far as I now, the Aufenthaltsgestattung does not serve as replacement ID. So this is not your ID, your passport would be your ID.

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