Harte Haltung des ÖV – 15-Jährigen wegen Einsteigens in einen 1.-Klasse-Wagen ein Bußgeld auferlegt | Vier Luzerner Teenager zahlen 75 Franken für den Einstieg in einen 1.-Klasse-Wagen.


Von BezugssystemCH1903


  1. BezugssystemCH1903 on


    >__What Happened?__

    >A 15-year-old girl from Lucerne, along with three friends, boarded a regional train at noon. The second-class entrance was hopelessly overcrowded, so the four girls used the next door available — which happened to be a first-class car. The teenagers were traveling from their school in Lucerne Allmend to the main station, a four-minute journey.

    >__What’s the Problem?__

    >The four girls were stopped at the door by two ticket inspectors and fined 75 Swiss francs each. Despite holding an annual pass for the route and intending to move immediately to the second class, no leniency was shown. One mother finds the reaction disproportionate and contacted the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), questioning whether more common sense could be applied.


    >>__Second-Class Tickets in First Class__

    >>According to Industry Regulations:

    >>Entering through a first-class door is “acceptable” if you immediately move to the second class.

    >>Passing through a first-class car is allowed.

    >>Standing in the vestibule of a first-class car is prohibited.

    >__What Does SBB Say to the Mother?__

    >SBB states that it is strictly forbidden to remain in first class with a second-class ticket. This rule applies “even to corridors, vestibules, and entrance areas of the cars.” The mother is perplexed, noting that “in a hurry, it often happens that one uses the nearest entrance and then moves to second class.” Whether the girls didn’t move quickly enough toward second class or stood in the first-class vestibule can no longer be verified.

    >__SBB’s Past Judgment Was Different__

    >In 2016, SBB stated in an article on the Watson news portal regarding this issue: “In regional trains, passengers with a second-class ticket are allowed to stay in the entrance area of a first-class car.” In intercity trains, this was not allowed. However, SBB mentioned that there should still be no fine: “Train staff kindly point it out and usually do not impose a surcharge.”

    >__Public Transport Insists on Correctness__

    >Today, no one at SBB seems to remember that statement. According to the consumer magazine “Espresso” from SRF, the archive does not go back to 2016. The Lucerne-based Zentralbahn also remains firm, emphasizing that the staff acted correctly. All passengers must be treated equally, regardless of the fact that the journey lasted no more than five minutes. Nevertheless, the fine was reduced by half.

  2. Totaler Schwachsinn. Wenn sie da geblieben wären, wäre es anders, aber in diesem Fall ist es absurd, dass sie eine Busse erhalten haben.

  3. Totally normal in the train towards Zurich (for sample the S8) too. Teenagers sitting there. But indeed, all the trains are packed every morning and afternoon.

  4. Only a monopolist acts like this. Shame on the SBB for treating its customers like criminals.

    On the positive side, it is cheaper than a paper bag at Migros…

  5. Primary_Welcome_6970 on

    It’s customers fault if SBB can’t provide them with enough space, they should either arrive 1 hour early at work or 30 minutes late at school !

  6. So the Rail company that gave the girls a ticket is Zentral Bahn and not SBB since they don’t handle any trains in that direction.

    There are stickers on all walls as soon as you enter or approach the first class area on which this rule is written.

    They cite a post from 2016 from a Watson comment and didn’t even reach out to any of the Railway companies them self? This is literally just a shit post at this point since no Journalist integrity can be cited here

    I would love the here the full context from both side since this seems just like a slop news post.

  7. Just another story like that, I guess. Not sure if the ticket inspectors get the advice to be as strict as possible, or fine as much as possible, but the last few stories are ridiculous and really show the lack of common sense.

    > In 2016, SBB stated in an article on the Watson news portal regarding this issue: “In regional trains, passengers with a second-class ticket are allowed to stay in the entrance area of a first-class car.” In intercity trains, this was not allowed. However, SBB mentioned that there should still be no fine: “Train staff kindly point it out and usually do not impose a surcharge

    Not only the mixed information, but also separate rules for separate trains makes it incredibly weird. It doesn’t make a difference in what vestibular I stand, I didn’t get a seat in second class because it’s too crowded. It’s not like the vestibular in the first class is any different, but I get the feeling SBB would not mind if I’d hold onto the train from the outside, as long as its a second class wagon.

  8. khidf986435 on

    Good move – often too many people take advantage of some benefits of first class even if they don’t sit in a seat. If you want peace & quiet, then buy a first class ticket

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