Wann wird die Kernfusion zu einer brauchbaren Energiequelle? Selbst wenn Forscher zuverlässig mehr Leistung aus einer Fusionsreaktion herausholen können, als sie einbringen, müssen sie dennoch technische Herausforderungen meistern, um die Fusionsenergie zu steigern.

When will nuclear fusion become a viable source of energy?


  1. shroomigator on

    I think microreactors will come into widespread use before that happens.

  2. Hugin___Munin on

    In ten years, it’s always ten years away , it’s been that way since the 70s.

  3. There’s quite a bit of research being done towards the end of “how do you get power out of this?”, but i actually think the bigger problem is going to be reliability and consistency on-grid.

    I think the group working with [Starfire labs](https://ife.llnl.gov/starfire-hub) out at Livermore is interesting, though:

    >STARFIRE Hub Members: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; the Livermore Lab Foundation; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Savannah River National Laboratory; SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Los Angeles; University of California San Diego; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; University of Oklahoma; University of Rochester; Texas A&M University; Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology; Focused Energy Inc.; General Atomics; Leonardo Electronics US Inc.; Longview Fusion Energy Systems Inc.; TRUMPF Inc.; and Xcimer Energy Inc.

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