Alle einsteigen, während der Bus des Team PEI losfährt, um US-Zölle zu verhindern


  1. > Premier Dennis King and about two dozen P.E.I. government officials and industry leaders packed onto a bus Sunday for a five-day road trip through the northeastern United States.

    > The trip is expected to cost about $250,000, King said.

    > Other provinces have been doing similar initiatives, and King said it’s important P.E.I. do its part.

    Bigger group but driving down to the more accessible area of the US.

    Premier, 4 ministers, and at least 17 from businesses and various boards. Glad they’re driving since it’s not that far and they’d need transport when there anyway.

  2. I can’t believe that all of our politicians have to put on their nicest clothes and do a pilgrimage to fucking Florida so they can sing and dance for a geiatric idiot baby to convince him that he’s big and strong enough not to do moronic tariffs.

  3. flatulentbaboon on

    This whole saga is so embarrassing. The fuck are we even doing. Write the US off and start expanding ties everywhere else.

    A quote from a recent article I read sums it up nicely:

    > As if on cue, the cabinet’s two most senior ministers recently trekked down to Mar-a-Lago to report “progress” in meeting his demands. Canada’s finance minister and our foreign minister, acting like district managers reporting to head office.

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