Die Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde wirft der Hamas vor, menschliche Schutzschilde zu verwenden, während die Hamas die Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde für die Tötung ihrer Mitglieder kritisiert



    1. DroneMaster2000 on

      SS: Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (PA) are trading accusations amid rising tensions. Hamas accuses the PA of targeting its members, citing recent shootings in the West Bank. The PA, led by Fatah, denies the claims and insists it will not allow Hamas to expand its influence in the West Bank, blaming the group for Gaza’s destruction and humanitarian crisis.

      Both sides accuse each other of actions that harm Palestinians, with Hamas alleging persecution and Fatah condemning Hamas for aligning with Iran and using civilians as shields. The tensions reflect deeper divisions within Palestinian leadership.

      My question is: Now that the PA has been acting against Hamas, including having civilian collateral casualties and fighting Hamas fighters who embed themselves in hospitals as they do, will the protests against Israel widen to attack the so called legitimate Palestinian government for the same actions Israel takes? Or is Arab on Arab violence OK as usual?

    2. MurkyLurker99 on

      It would be helpful if the Palestinians paused for a minute and engaged in a bit of second-order thinking.

    3. In 2007, when Hamas won the elections in the Gaza Strip, they essentially had a mini civil war which resulted in the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip.

      Even though there was a reconciliation agreement in 2011, and again in 2014, they never really got anywhere with that. Especially after Shin Bet exposed an alleged plot of Hamas in 2014 to depose the PLA in the West Bank by inciting a third intifada. The third intifada would overwhelm the PLA security forces and allow Hamas cells to take over.

      So as far ad we know, it is really an ongoing unresolved conflict. It is not “OK”. But not many people have much influence over Hamas. Israel is probably more than happy for the PLA to further weaken Hamas.

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