Pfannkuchen waren auch nicht so toll

    Von scumfvkk


    1. cinclushibernicus on

      What happened to plates? Surely they must be easier to clean than a wooden slab….

    2. scannerdarkley on

      That’s a nice starter. What’s the dinner and dessert look like?

    3. Hot-Worker6072 on

      Shocking price. I have a deep hatred of food served on wooden or slate boards. Plus wooden chopping boards are highly unhygienic. I always ask for a plate if I’m ever served food on them.

    4. No-Pressure1811 on

      Where’s is it?

      The price seems irrelevant cause that’s just awful and no way appetising.

      That is honestly one of the saddest looking food pics I’ve seen in a while.

    5. TurfMilkshake on

      It would actually look much better if it was served on an actual plate – price is normalish these days

    6. We’re gonna have to.bring in a rule requiring documentation with these kinda posts.

    7. oshinbruce on

      I think its the toasties that offends me, the bread is way too flat. If there was twice the sandwhich I’d expect it to be that price, but that’s miserable

    8. twistyjnua on

      Chips, the ultimate “look it’s a meal because it has chips so we can justify any price we want” side.

    9. thesquaredape on

      I know you’re all raging but I know quite a few spots in a Dublin commuter town that has multiple places selling 12 euro sandwich. It’s worth getting a proper meal these days!

    10. No_Performance_6289 on

      The people who actually leave their house know its not a bad price for that volume of food.

    11. AdmiralRaspberry on

      Wonder why less and less people eat outside? That’s why. From €13 I can eat 2 full meals cooking at home. Making that on the picture won’t take more than 30m either. 😂

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