Lassen Sie uns klarstellen, wofür Musk wirbt

Von bate_Vladi_1904


  1. Intellectual_Wafer on

    They are simply Neo-Nazi wolves in sheep’s clothing. Yet, too many people still lie to themselves about that, and some supporters have gone down the same path as those conspiracy nuts who fanatically support the republicans in the US.

  2. And to think that all this world needs is objective, true education. A little humbleness up top, and we’d get rid of extremities forever.

  3. Moppermonster on

    The anti-homosexual ones are ironic, considering Alice Weidel is a lesbian…

  4. rantheman76 on

    So basically the AfD supports the action done under a guy they claim was a communist. So they are communists? Of course not, all smoje and mirrors, but who over the age of 14 falls for this crap? Gullible “they’re eating the dogs” voters.

  5. butwhywedothis on

    MusKKK knows what he is promoting. He has similar views. Acquiring twitter, spreading Nazi ideology, and using misinformation/money to control the masses is all planned by project 2025.

  6. J_TheCzech on

    Sources would come in handy for full context behind the quotes- Im not a fan whatsoever regardless

  7. YardAgreeable9844 on

    This is in Germany right? The literal country where if you raise your hand in the traditional nazi salute or publically shout Sieg Heil, you get in a trouble right?

    So would anyone from Germany care to enlighten, why are these people firstly allowed to publically say thease things and are still allowed to be free on the streets and not in jail?

  8. Let’s not blame Musk for this one. Germany knows what it’s doing with voting for this animals and it’s happening anyway

    So much for learning its own history

  9. I feel disgusted to see this in my country. We grew up with a history teacher endlessly in school, to prevent it from ever happening again. Now this fascistic mindset is promoted by 20-30% of the German population.
    I fight back, joined a party, fact check scientific essays for them etc. But then you get stuck with simple discussions like explaining that there are no human races, that climate change is real, that genetically modified crops are a solution and not a problem, and so on. You get the feeling that you can’t improve anything, because people’s lives are filled with unnecessary problems like racism.

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