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Omdat het heel verwarrend is om het ‘sneller rijden’ licht te plaatsen samen met het ‘niet rijden’ licht. /s
cause fuck you that’s why
what’s the good thing about the german lights ?
That would make too much sense.
I don’t see the advantage. People are just going to start going through the light when it’s not green yet.
Because idiots won’t wait and will start driving the moment they see the orange light
What does the red light add to the orange light that the orange can’t do on its own?
They use these in England too. I always wondered why Belgium doesn’t use them tbh.
Because Belgium is an absolutely retarded country when it comes to traffic and how it is regulated. There is absolutely no goodwill from the people who take decisions.
Why does every traffic light in NL sees me coming and turns green if possible? Why do I stand still for 3 min at a traffic light at 3.00 when I’m the only guy in Belgium?
* Red: stop car AND engine
* Red + yellow: start engine
* Green: start driving
Kzie het nut van weten waneer het groen word nie. terwijl als het al groen is en ge dan weet da ge moet stoppen kunde u voorberihde nie?
Because there is no point, the red/orange is interpreted as green anyways so all it would do is replace half a second of green with red/orange. Nothing would change.
It’s not better or worse, just different.
There’s no “one simple hack” that will suddenly make people obey traffic lights.
I still don’t get why pedestrizn lights don’t have an orange here. The amount of times i’ve had an argument with someone on a zebrapad because it jumped to red right after I stepped on the zebrapad.
There’s no real advantage to this system. The people that don’t pay attention at lights still won’t, and other people will take advantage of it to start driving on orange + red.
Just look at how people drive in the UK.
Maybe when manuals were the sole gearbox on the road this might have been better, but in today’s traffic this yields no significant improvements.
I’ll do you one better: Egyptian traffic lights at red shows you a countdown when it will be green again. Now that’s a game changer in my opinion.
I’ll one up you. 3 years ago I was in Kazakhstan and every traffic light COUNTED DOWN. Now that is something we should implement.
Give people some more reason to honk at you because your car doesn’t accelerate to full speed in 2 microseconds
Bad memory’s of the germans maybe?
1 Belgians have a hard time dealing with change
Vast number of drivers still don’t know the difference between e.g. a dynamic 30km sign vs zone 30 even though those were implemented ages ago
Same for fietsstraat, lane for ambulance during traffic jams etc…
2 Concerning your comments on improving traffic flow;
Just watch when the lights turn red for lanes on left or right, add about 5 seconds -> lights will turn green and in the meantime you can shift into gear.
Improves situational awareness as well.
Why fixate on the traffic light? Already enough people on the road with blinders on
And i am seriously doubting someone who can’t figure this out through lived experience would benefit from a traffic light.
They would just wait until lights turn green to shift into gear. Unless you explicitly explain, along with the change in policy, that that is the whole premise
Even then, wait until green “just to be sure and not damage the gears”
TLDR; changes are confusing and common sense is not so common
Omdat Mario kart hier niet legaal is op de openbare weg.
Gas op 2!