Diese Daten wurden mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Dan Shapiro bereitgestellt.
Da es am Tag nur eine begrenzte Anzahl von Menschen und Stunden gibt, ist der Markt für menschliche Aufmerksamkeit begrenzt. Hollywood gibt mehr Geld für die Produktion von Fernsehen und Filmen aus, aber sein Marktanteil nimmt ab. Menschen, insbesondere jüngere Menschen, sehen sich im Internet viel häufiger Videos an, die von kleinen YouTubern erstellt wurden. Es versteht sich von selbst, dass die Kosten für kleine Content-Ersteller deutlich günstiger sind. KI macht sie immer noch billiger.
Und es ist nicht nur so, dass kleine Schöpfer, die die KI-Generierung nutzen, Hollywoods bestehende Bemühungen verdrängen werden; Sie werden wahrscheinlich auch neue Kunstformen schaffen, die auch die alten Bildschirm-/Übertragungsformate von Fernsehsendungen und Filmen ersetzen werden. Noch nicht erfundene Kunstformen der KI-Generation können in Echtzeit gerendert, für Einzelpersonen, Hyper-Nischen usw. personalisiert werden
Dies alles ist Teil eines überraschenden Trends bei der KI, ihrer Tendenz zur Dezentralisierung. Einige dommeristische Albträume sehen alle mächtigen Unternehmen in der Zukunft, aber da Open-Source-KI und Robotik den Bemühungen der Big Tech gleichkommen, scheint der Trend eher dahin zu gehen, dass die Macht der KI verteilt wird.
Some thought Hollywood might use AI to replace human workers. It seems the opposite is happening, individuals using AI are about to replace much of Hollywood's output.
byu/lughnasadh inFuturology
How is AI which is completely in its infancy making this happens. Just pure lies, this has been happening for at least a decade and it is social media platform that did this. Until now, with technologies like unreal engine etc that creators can do close to hollywood types of images. Thinking more about this it is the dslr large video sensor revolution that might have started all this as from 2007 etc. Today Johnny in his man cave can have a studio like lighting/sound and camera and lens, that have at least broadcast level of production value, to do a podcast etc.
Even if your claims are 100% accurate, what you’re describing is precisely what they are concerned about. Small creators with AI replacing Hollywood’s output as you describe == AI replacing human workers.
Hopefully the content created by Hollywood is replaced by content on national broadcasters, and is not hosted on algorithm-driven social media
How long will AI remain open source? My guess is as soon as the big guys catch wind of this kind of thing they will get it put under control.
I think the AI Revolution will eventually filter out into everyone being forced into a position that pay less than the tech and energy it costs to run their ai replacement
Shows a fundamental failure to understand how the world works. Hollywood is much more nimble than you think. They will absolutely pivot to snatch up any form of entertainment that becomes popular.
People are not thinking straight – they say in the same breath that AI content is not ethical, and also that Hollywood will be replaced by AI… *WHAT?* When has Hollywood ever been ethical? Lol.
As AI created content grows more sophisticated, the home-grown creators will ABSOLUTELY sign up for what Hollywood has to offer: big stars, big money, big marketing and international distribution.
And if you think that Hollywood wont develop it’s own AI generated projects, you are sadly mistaken. I work as a director and editor in LA, and we’re using more and more AI in every project I touch. Most people I know are psyched about all the new tools.
This is mildly interesting, although I would’ve liked some more specific numbers to break down the context of some of the other numbers (such as the production of independent content). And it does make me slightly more optimistic, because the behind the scenes deals giving various Hollywood companies early access to better tools (such as the original Sora) are infuriating attempts to prevent technological disruption from benefiting the public.
Regardless, while I hope you’re right, I do think that for this to be true we’ll have to first see the production of indie AAA equivalents that outperform Hollywood. So we’ll see.
I also believe in the decentralization effect but I know of no true “offline” AI, ie you always need online data access. That’s the pickle, imo. Large corps can shut down data access for those misbehaving and open-source is missing the infrastructure to compete.