Anti-irische Sprachgruppe hinter Flugblättern „Englisch ist unsere Muttersprache“ spricht über Kampagne | Die Gruppe „Protestants Against Gaelic Language“ hat ihren Sitz in der Republik und ist gegen die Förderung der irischen Rechte auf der ganzen Insel
Von 1DarkStarryNight
His irish teacher must have been terrible for him to go on this crusade
Typical Protestants. Back at it again wirh suppressing our own culture. Fuck back to England, please
Well he sounds like a complete gobshite
Imagine having this much time on your hands.
Enough said.
>The head of Protestants Against Gaelic Language (PAGL) wants to protest against the use of Gaelic right across the island, as English is the “ancestral language of most Irish people”.
Fucking smooth brain.
>The “Group Against Irish Ethnic Language and Gaelic Equality” or Gaeilge for short
You couldn’t make this up.
Regardless of religion, are these people Irish?
You see that kind of attitude online a lot. First time I’ve seen it in public.
Bunch of wankers
>The head of Protestants Against Gaelic Language (PAGL) wants to protest against the use of Gaelic right across the island, as English is the “ancestral language of most Irish people”.
Sir, this is a Supermac’s.
I’d put money on it that this is one crank (as opposed to a group), at least on the southern side of the border,
It’s probably like that Catholic League in the US that gets so much publicity – one man in his spare bedroom.
Oh no! Loyalists upset over seeing Gaelic along with English words on signs? Boo feckin’ hoo!
The fuck, they can feck right off.
Imagine being this wrong. Mortified for him.
I ndairire?
Serious question. What does it take to get someone committed these days. People have been committed due to insanity for less in the past.
Lads don’t waste your time getting annoyed at this eejit.
Don’t learn Irish if you don’t want to.
Don’t learn Spanish or Hungarian either sure.
Bitter person using “Protestant” as bait for sectarian responses to play the victim.
This had nothing to do with them being protestants.
When I saw their material I assumed it was satire meant to promote the irish language and I thought it was quite clever.
Best of luck with that.
Now I’m no fan of the Modh coinníollach but this goin a bit far
Self hater?
> His group’s leaflet states “Ireland’s Christianity is a more important part of Ireland’s heritage than the language ever was” and the government in Dublin “would do much more for the Irish people if they taught Latin in our schools instead of Gaelic”.
So they are god botherers really. Sadly this attitude to Irish is often present at multiple levels of our society. I understand if people don’t like languages but people turn their own disinterest into hatred against the entire language and its speakers.
[Reminds me of this hilarious opinion letter from a it ago](
He wants people to learn Latin instead of Irish, which doesn’t feel very Protestant at all really.
Those Protestants, up to no good as usual.
Anyone paying attention to this should be shot with balls of their own shite
We already have Irish rights so let them spout I doubt they’ll be taken seriously.
Irish is constitutionally our “First official language”, and English is our “Second official language”. That means constitutionally, English can never override Irish in Ireland, no matter how much these people cope and seethe over it.
Try as these people may, they have zero legal power to do anything, outside of bitching and moaning about not wanting to learn the country they live ins, official language.
Public signs have to at least include both languages. These people just want to eradicate the language altogether.
Christ, whatever about not caring much about the language, imagine actively wanting to kill off the language. Embarrassing use of time.
Sounds like something you’d find in The Onion
Now there are some notions that deserve cutting off at the root
Democracy and free speech working as it should. Ignore and move on.
Many prominent protestants were fluent speakers, such as Douglas Hyde.
Smooth brain morons trying to sew discord.
Even if I was Protestant and hated the Irish language I would have a bit more self awareness than to call myself “‘Protestants Against Gaelic Language” – I mean the name just screams false-flag operation. Anyway I wonder what it is about countries where English is the dominant language that so many people foam at the mouth that it should be the only language. Look at the opposition to and disdain for Spanish and native American languages in the US, French and native languages in Canada, te reo Māori in New Zealand and so on. I’ve never seen anything similar in countries where e.g. Spanish or French is the dominant language.
leaving leaflets on the cars of people taking irish lessons. what a coward
>Mr Sinnott said historic moves by the British to oppose Gaelic, including bans on its use, was “just so they could make it that we would all speak the same language”.
this is nonsense, the “British” never banned Irish
there was an 18th century law that insisted only English could be used in court, this was aimed at stopping the use of french, but also affected Irish
the British didn’t care what language people spoke in Ireland
Irish people abandoned Irish themselves, by choice, in the late 18th century and early 19th century
Why on earth would you care this much about what language people spoke. Clearly a very unwell/unhappy individual.