Die einzige Drohne der Ukraine neutralisiert drei russische Spionagedrohnen Mavics mit Schrotflinten und vernichtet am Ende der Reise feindliche Soldaten mit Granaten


Von AssistantStraight983


  1. ffdfawtreteraffds on

    That’s simply awesome. I had to watch several times to make sure I was seeing what appeared to be happening. I still don’t see when the grenade was dropped at the end.

  2. And they said it couldn’t be done!
    Shot gun drones are here, get fucked Russia!

  3. This is absolutely fuckin amazing. Just the start of drone warfare evolution, can thank/fuck russia for that. Slava Ukraini!

  4. RC-XD, UAV, Hunter Killer, Care Package.. were already unlocked.

    775 points : Dragonfire unlocked

  5. I’ve seen many drone videos, but this one is crazy, especially the last part. Gives you a perspective on future wars.

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