Die liberale Führungshoffnung Christy Clark sagt, sie habe sich bei der Wahl der Konservativen „falsch ausgedrückt“.



  1. Low-Candidate6254 on

    She lied. It’s publicly known that she supported Jean Charest, and the Conservatives have proof showing she was a member of the Conservatives from June 2022 to June 2023. If she’s willing to lie about something that was public information. What else is she willing to lie about?

  2. Lmao. It’s so funny to get caught up in such a checkable lie.

    I don’t think this is a big thing that Canadians will care about, many people have temporarily joined a party to vote for a certain person.

    This is so classic Clark though. A slippery politician that lies all the time.

  3. BoswellsJohnson on

    Misspoke! HA! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if I were the Liberal party, I wouldn’t allow her to run. Her weirdness will make a mockery of the process and take away from any positive coverage other candidates may get.

  4. KukalakaOnTheBay on

    I don’t know if this kills or leadership campaign. Maybe. She won’t win I’m sure. I don’t think it’s even unforgivable to get a CPC membership for a bit to vote for Charest. But you can’t lie about it.

  5. jkRollingDown on

    I’m pretty baffled why she felt the need to lie in the first place. The Liberals let former NDP Premier Bob Rae run for leadership before, so it’s not like having a history with a different party is disqualifying. Especially since she joined the CPC specifically to try and stop Poilievre from taking power, which is a narrative she could’ve used to her advantage if she leaned into it. Seems like an opportunity to appeal to moderate LPC/CPC swing voters which she totally squandered.

  6. Talk about a crash and burn leadership run.

    I sometimes wonder if former politicians, who become TV pundits, forget that reporters aren’t their friends and won’t give them a pass.

    Watching David Cochrane yesterday, his face gave off a “wow, our jobs usually aren’t this easy” look.

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