Unternehmen nutzen jetzt KI, um Reddit mit Marketing zu überschwemmen



  1. rocketfromthepast on

    So we should automatically boycott companies doing this? Ok.

  2. strtjstice on

    This is the “no shit Sherlock” of the week! I can’t believe how much marketing I see.

  3. throaway20180730 on

    I’m surprised the Blake Lively story didn’t get more traction since the smearing campaign was bragging in a text about how great reddit was reacting to all their astroturfing

  4. buzzyburke on

    “Anyone who has spent enough time on LinkedIn or X has seen generic, soulless posts that are obviously written with AI, and now someone has excitedly built a tool to bring this to Reddit. Imagine being proud of this, like being proud of peeing in someone’s pool.”

  5. Imaginary_Bit_4691 on

    Yeah, no shit. The top comment in so many posts I’ve been on today is some bullshit advertisement disguised as a comment.

  6. Surely this will change when the companies realize that they are paying money just to advertise to bots, right?

  7. hyperdream on

    This makes me so angry and it’s going to drive me to drink… a nice refreshing Coke! It’s real magic!

  8. I don’t doubt that this happens but honestly I don’t see a lot of reddit posts mentioning anything about products.

    Maybe its my filters or maybe they are REALLY good. but i’m just not seeing a ‘flood’ of anyone mentioning anything that can be construed as marketing.

  9. If this makes you mad, I don’t know what to tell you. Marketing has been one of the biggest plagues to humanity of the last 100 years. Ruining everything it touches to influence dimwitted consumers is what it does and the reason it keeps on happening is because they’ve already brainwashed the world into thinking that marketers and the tactics they use are acceptable. We lost this war ages ago. Check out Vance Packard, he was talking about since the 50s.


    I’m sorry, but saying it once, just wasn’t enough.

  11. Lol you really had to play spot the ad even 10 years ago on Reddit. This is nothing new. Train yourselves to get gud at playing spot the sponsored content.

  12. Tasty-Traffic-680 on

    That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever Oscar Meyer Hotdogs

  13. writeorelse on


    It’s been going on for years; it just wasn’t always called “A.I.”

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