Seltene Aufnahmen von syrischen Suchoi Su-7, die von der israelischen Luftwaffe über den Golanhöhen angegriffen werden (09.09.1978)

Von H3L1X60H


  1. TiledCandlesnuffer on

    I don’t think the 2nd fighter even knew his wingman was blown to pieces right behind him

  2. Goddamn, it’s a damn shame we don’t have guncam footage like we used to

  3. Frequent-Lettuce4159 on

    They really used Su-7s in ’78? Those poor bastards never had a chance

  4. The Israeli Air force has a ratio of 1:27.5 in dogfights (that include 5 soviets planes).

  5. What planes were the Israelis using at this time? This Su-7 was already outdated at that time.

  6. titsmuhgeee on

    I’ve always wondered how many Aces were made in situations like this. When I think of an Ace, I imagine a pilot getting one hard fought kill at a time. In reality, they probably caught a group by surprise and picked them off one by one.

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