Ich habe drei Jahre lang jeden Tag meine Stimmung und die Auslöser verfolgt, die sie beeinflussen. Hier sind einige Daten dazu. (Link zum vollständigen Artikel im Kommentar)

Von blunder_artist


  1. Dave_Tee83 on

    I’ve been doing the same since starting antidepressants in August of last year I think my biggest take aways are that I wasn’t depressed, I was extremely chronically stressed and quitting my job was the best thing I could do for my overall mood and wellbeing. The antidepressants didn’t seem to have an effect, but that would make sense seeing as though my burnout was misdiagnosed as depression.

    Also worth noting that all the old advice is very true. My mood and wellbeing were improved when I:

    – got out in nature
    – got some exercise
    – ate clean and healthy
    – kept a healthy sleep schedule
    – avoided drink and drugs

    Who knew?

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