Koreanischer Verdächtiger bei Hammerangriff in Hosei wurde „schikaniert und war frustriert“; Video des Vorfalls im Link Korean suspect in Hosei hammer attack was ‘bullied and feeling frustrated’
Aggressive_World_193 on 11.01.2025 12:34 AM Bullying is such an issue everywhere. A council teacher should be present at every school to listen to students who need help.
The-Son-Of-Brun on 11.01.2025 12:52 AM Yikes. All potential misfortune considered, one thing comes to mind: I think if I’d had a hammer meltdown without having been bullied, I’d say I was bullied.
Bullying is such an issue everywhere. A council teacher should be present at every school to listen to students who need help.
All potential misfortune considered, one thing comes to mind: I think if I’d had a hammer meltdown without having been bullied, I’d say I was bullied.