Trump macht von seinem Versprechen, den Krieg in der Ukraine innerhalb eines Tages zu beenden, einen Rückzieher


  1. No-Response-7780 on

    He’s going to be too busy waging new wars against Panama and Greenland and trying to economically ruin the United States’ greatest friend and ally in Canada

  2. Ok-Conversation-294 on

    I’m not surprised, are you surprised? Is anyone surprised?

  3. FingalForever on

    Liar, as he was previous. Where is the baby balloon as he will be throwing a tantrum soon enough …

  4. Juan_Piece69 on

    Trump supporters be like “that’s my president! I’m just much as a liar & a hypocrite and am not good on my word either!”

  5. churrmander on

    “Trump backtracks…” is going to be the leading headline for the next 6 months.

  6. No fucking way! I can’t believe Trump of all people would make a promise and then backtrack on it

  7. Sketchvolf on

    But but but just wait till his amazing healthcare plan is revealed! Concepts of a plan!

  8. Are there even any more campaign promises left for him to break? Because so far he’s backtracked lowering grocery prices, ending the war in Ukraine, and said he’s going to import a bunch of foreign workers instead of deporting them all. And his term hasn’t even started yet

  9. Admirable-Sink-2622 on

    He doesn’t give a fuck about the country. He just wanted the power to make his crimes vanish. He doesn’t give a single fuck about any of the issues he riles his base about. Those are whispered in his ear by even more dangerous people will extreme ideological agendas.

    Good luck with your grocery prices, employment, help for seniors. You voters are the gullible people on the face of the earth. 🙄

  10. Yoga_Douchebag on

    Lol, that dude just throws around random statements without any substance to confuse everyone.
    Do you remember “We gonna build the wall and Mexico is gonna pay for it.”?

  11. Raverjames on


  12. And his supporters will bend over backwards to defend it.

    One side is attacked constantly and held to vastly different standards than the other.

  13. Butter_Quit_Maybe on

    Ha, that’s funny. Next, it’s gonna be grocery/gas prices, and mortgage/rent prices…

    Oh wait… it’s Obama/Biden and everyone else’s fault, lol

  14. Trump’s first impeachment was for withholding military aid to Ukraine while his staff pressured Zelensky to go on CNN and announce that Joe Biden was under investigation, and that it was Ukraine, not Russia, that interfered in the 2016 elections to help Clinton.

  15. Infamous_Gur_9083 on

    Oh no, what a shocker.

    Trump, a known Russian asset suddenly backtracking from a promise where Russian interests are concerned.

  16. senorbeaverotti on

    So far his key election promises have been lies and he hasn’t even taken over yet. Futures looking bright.

  17. angryhappymeal on

    Thos guy will rip the heart out of America,and 50% of the population will cheer while he does it.

  18. MrTwatFart on

    Trump proving every campaign promise was a lie. His base too brainwashed and stupid to have learned from his first term.

  19. So far he has backtracked on ending the Ukraine war, reducing inflation, and deporting 15 million people. I’m beginning to think this guy is a bit of a liar

  20. PerpetualFarter on

    hahaha!!! All his promises. Now time for the back-tracking and excuse phase. It’ll be interesting to see how many supporters he has (U.S. citizens, not oligarchs of foreign governments) in a few months.

  21. RoseyOneOne on

    All those slimy people that said they were voting for him because he wouldn’t start WW3 are instantly rubbing their fat greedy hands together and posting about taking over Greenland, Panama, and Canada. A soulless, ignorant, and backward people. As a Canadian I’ll never consider Americans the same again. You cannot trust them.

  22. BraveFencerMusashi on

    Well I was expecting him to end the war in Russia’s favor so maybe a good thing he is backtracking.

  23. He will back track on everything. He can now literally do NOTHING!! He got his “get out of jail free pass”. We are such a stupid fucking electorate.

  24. He’s such a fucking idiot, along with 99% of the other greedy assholes in the government.

  25. My boomer mom brought him up today in casual conversation, “He wants to give the power over schools back to the states!”

    My mom is a quiet conservative housewife and I couldn’t even begin to tell her what Trump is capable of or has done because she would burst into flames at the mention of grabbing pussies and banging porn stars, nevermind the political bullshit she wouldn’t even comprehend. They just say it’s all liberal media nonsense and as long as her husband (my dad) says Trump is good then she will believe it.

    I imagine trying to convince her he’s evil but she would just shake her head.

  26. I would say he is full of shit but he has smelled like shit so long that i think at this point lil bro breathes and eats shit as well

  27. Eden-exile on

    Lol I wonder if he’ll actually keep any of the promises he made. Backtracked on Ukraine, grocery prices, etc.

  28. Dry-Interaction-1246 on

    He said at one point it would be within a day of the election. He is a 🤡

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