Wissenschaftler finden heraus, dass Nahrung auf dem Mond besser gedeiht als auf dem Mars



  1. spacedotc0m on

    Submission statement (taken from article):

    >Elon Musk might have his sights set on settling Mars, but recent experiments that utilized extraterrestrial soil suggest human settlements could have a far easier time on the moon.

    >Scientists have come up with many ideas for growing food in outer space. One concerns growing plants directly in water (called hydroponics), for instance, and another is growing them using misted nutrients from the air (called aeroponics). But both of these options are expensive, so some scientists are also exploring a more traditional method of feeding future astronauts — growing crops directly in lunar and Martian soil.


    Elon: Mars is the future. Moon: I grow your dinner. Who’s the future now?

  3. So hear me out. Lunar based pot farms. Lets give the people moon-rocks they actually want. Product so high its out of this world!

  4. ReasonablyBadass on

    The only reason they give is that martian soil is too dense. So all you would need is break it up? Mix it with more soiled rocks? Easy.

    Also, more nitrogen is needed, which they say Mars has plenty while the moon has not.

  5. People will boost up there expecting KFC on command……”No chicken today” sign up 😆.

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