1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:

    Influence of acute and chronic therapeutic cooling on cognitive performance and well-being



    – Cold water immersions at 10 °C for 10 min, 3 times per week for 4 weeks, have no detrimental impact on cognition.
    – These short, frequent immersions might improve certain aspects of cognitive function whilst improving subjective measures of sleep and worry.
    – Positive effects on subjective worry are seen after the first immersion.
    – Regular therapeutic CWI in a laboratory environment has a neutral impact on mood. It is suggested improvements in mood seen elsewhere may be implicated by access to blue and green space.
    – Two weeks of regular therapeutic CWI improved sleep, with fewer sleep disturbances reported.
    – CWI to assist with sleep may be more efficient at times when sleep disturbances are more pronounced.

    From the linked article:

    Cold-water immersion found to boost cognitive function and reduce sleep disturbances

    Cold-water immersion has gained popularity as a recovery tool, often credited with promoting physical recovery and mental well-being. A recent study published in Physiology & Behavior investigated the effects of regular cold-water immersion on cognitive performance, sleep quality, and well-being. The researchers found that immersing participants in 10°C water for 10 minutes, three times a week over four weeks, improved certain aspects of cognitive function and sleep quality.

    The researchers found nuanced effects of cold-water immersion on cognitive performance, sleep quality, and worry. Cognitive improvements were observed in the Trail Making Test. Both TMT-A (processing speed) and TMT-B (mental flexibility) completion times improved significantly over the four weeks. For instance, TMT-A times decreased from an average of 15.17 seconds at baseline to 11.06 seconds by the third week, while TMT-B times dropped from 39.68 seconds to 26.18 seconds during the same period. These results suggest that regular cold-water immersions may enhance certain aspects of cognitive functioning over time.

    In terms of sleep quality, participants reported a reduction in sleep disturbances. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scores, which reflect sleep quality, decreased from an average of 7.85 at baseline to 5.75 by the end of the third week. These findings indicate that cold-water immersion contributed to better sleep over the course of the study.

  2. ducklingkwak on

    Also reduces the inflammation that occurs after a workout which is a signal for muscle growth and repair. Reduces muscle hypertrophy (growth) so not exactly the best if you’re into bodybuilding or just want to look more buff.

  3. 50 degrees F for 10 minutes is more like a cool soak than a cold plunge

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