Russischer Soldat schießt auf ukrainische Drohne, fällt aber in eine offene Luke 2025

Von BlackMarine


  1. panzermike666 on

    that guy is combat ineffective for some time. surely broke his ankle or leg

  2. Was hoping for a Mario entering sewers sound but this one had me giggling too. Weeeeee!!

  3. GOAT77777777 on

    Why most of the footage in this sub is Russian dying by Ukraine’s and not vice versa?? Just curious

  4. DangerousAthlete9512 on

    bruh I thought the drone fell into the open hatch of the tank and went kabooooom

  5. It looks like it’s just one leg, not the whole body. The video was cut off too early.

  6. Aggressive_West_2386 on

    New instant cover. Not so good for the ankles, or when you shoot your chin off in the process.

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