Der Sicherheitschef des südkoreanischen Präsidenten warnt vor einem gewaltsamen Versuch, Yoon festzunehmen


  1. DateMasamusubi on

    It’s only violent if you guys keep blocking law enforcement.

  2. throwaway_gyopo on

    “we’re here to arrest Yoon”
    “Nope, we aren’t going to let you into the gates”
    “Ok, we’ll go back home then. Bye.”
    “Bye. Have a nice day.”

    The end.

    30 years ago there would have been tear gas everywhere and the cops and army would have had no problems getting Yoon within about 10 minutes. Now it’s going to either take weeks or it just won’t happen.

  3. What if they cut water, gas and electricity and moved everyone else out, and stopped any movement in or out?

    What’s he going to last, 10 days at most?

  4. I’m a little confused, the chief is right in saying they have a job to protect the president, but then shouldn’t they work with the prosecutors to make sure he doesn’t get assassinated while getting arrested or in custody? Not sure why they are mutually exclusive when we do the same for other high profile crime cases. If not, he is obviously partial and IS preventing prosecutors from carrying out their public duties.

  5. Puzzleheaded-Park-69 on

    At this point, it’s gonna be violent, no matter how they attempt the arrest.

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