„Wie lange können Sie Ihre Frau anstarren?“: L&T-Vorsitzender sagt, er möchte, dass die Mitarbeiter auch sonntags arbeiten



  1. Responsible_Wolf5658 on

    What an odd comment for him to say. As if one, everyone is married. And Two, all the married men do is stare at their wife on Sundays.

    Also maybe some of these men DO want to stare at their wife…way to kink shame buddy.

  2. WatchmanOfLordaeron on

    An honest company 😉

    In April 2012, the subsidiary L&T InfoTech was accused of fraud on H1-B visa applications with United States immigration.

    In February 2013, three L&T employees were arrested following the collapse of a bridge under construction in Mumbai, causing the death of a worker.

    In 2013, the World Bank suspended Larsen & Toubro’s right to respond to calls for tenders from March 7, 2013 to September 6, 2013, after an employee had created false documents five years earlier to win a contract to supply devices to ultrasound.

  3. You have to understand. Indians have no semblance of extra curricular activities until recently for most of their lives. They spend their high school years preparing for exams for universities with low acceptance rates, they do it again in undergrad for grad schools and civil service exams. Then they either toil more as a corporate slave or park themselves and take bribes to do their government work. They have absolutely not seen the world outside of this. The idea that you can do anything outside your family and work is a foreign concept.

  4. Silly-Scene6524 on

    I’ll just add this- I admired the guys that stayed late thinking they were dedicated but as I grew older i understood these were the guys with young kids at home.

  5. This chutiya is definitely not getting laid and is wishing his misery on others.

  6. Concentrateman on

    What a piece of crap. I’m guessing he doesn’t have a lot of respect for women, to put it mildly. Appalling.

  7. RobsSister on

    “Subrahmanyan further gave the example of his interaction with a Chinese person who claimed China can beat the United States of America. Asked why that is, the Chinese man claimed that Chinese people work 90 hours a week, while Americans work only 50 hours a week.”


  8. Not shocked. A lot of people in tech and nearly all of leadership have awful personal relationships.

    My old manager didn’t take off work for the birth of his child and was on his laptop in the hospital room (no one at work needed him). He said he wasn’t needed at home after the birth because his wife preferred to take care of the kid herself. Fine, but he expected this of his direct reports as well.

  9. This man has discovered the secret to a happy marriage: don’t stare at your wife for too long!

  10. It’s sad that you have to schmooze these fucking guys to climb the corporate ladder. He should be mocked openly for being so weird and out of touch. “Oh look at Harvinder Ford over here,” but instead these clowns are allowed to exist in ignorant bliss like Joey Pants.

    I remember my CEO once recording a company Christmas message from his boat while people were in the process of being laid off. What I would give to be that out of touch.

  11. Opposite of what society needs. We need 4 days on and 3 off if anything, not 6 work days with 1 day off.

    I think if we were in a 6-1 society there would be a lot more miserable people.

  12. LemonNshrill on

    Go ahead and work on Sunday and I’ll be in bed with your wife staring at her for you

  13. Hey! At least I have one! And I can stare at her for a LONG time especially when she doesn’t know.

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