Laut einer Studie starben innerhalb von neun Monaten fast 3 % der Bevölkerung in Gaza durch traumatische Verletzungen. Über 64.000 Menschen, davon 60 % Kinder, ältere Menschen und Frauen, kamen zwischen dem 7. Oktober 2023 und dem 30. Juni 2024 durch traumatische Verletzungen ums Leben. Diese Sterblichkeitsrate ist 14-mal höher als die bisherige Sterblichkeitsrate aus allen Gründen.


  1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:


    From the linked article:

    A new study published in The Lancet estimates that 64,260 people are likely to have died from traumatic injury in the Gaza Strip between 7th October 2023 and 30th June 2024, 41% higher than the number of deaths reported by the Palestinian Ministry of Health during that time period (37,877 deaths). This equates to a death rate of 39.3 per 1,000 people, a 14-fold increase compared to the death rate before the 7th October 2023. The majority of deaths (59%) occurred among women, children and the elderly.

    The researchers used a statistical method known as ‘capture-recapture analysis’ to estimate the number of traumatic injury deaths. This method overlaps data from multiple sources to arrive at estimates of deaths when not all data are recorded. The sources included Palestinian Ministry of Health hospital morgue records, a respondent-driven online survey, and social media obituaries.

    The authors explain their estimates are for deaths caused by traumatic injury only and do not account for non-trauma related deaths resulting from health service disruption, food insecurity and inadequate water and sanitation. They highlight some limitations of the study, including challenges in reconciling variations in name spellings and translations. Additionally, the authors assumed the hospital and survey lists also included traumatic injury deaths only however some non-trauma deaths may have been included, potentially resulting in an overestimation. Conversely, people reported as missing were excluded from the analysis which could lead to an underestimation.

    Authors say their findings highlight the urgent need for international interventions and expanded humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip and protection of healthcare personnel, ambulances and static health facilities, so that people with traumatic injuries can access timely and appropriate care.

  2. >analysis using data from Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH) hospital lists, an MoH online survey, and social media obituaries.

    >The three lists (hospital, survey, and social media) included unique records for 29 271 named people killed as a result of traumatic injuries sustained in the Gaza Strip between Oct 7, 2023, and June 30, 2024.

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