Hallo, ich habe ein wenig Probleme, diese Nachricht zu verstehen, und Google Translate macht sie etwas verwirrend. Habe meine Nebenkostenabrechnung bekommen

Bin ich 846 € schuldig oder schulden sie mir 846 €? Google Translate bezeichnet es als "Ihr Guthaben"


Von Spare-Bread-6749


  1. Partickal37 on

    As far as i understand your getting money back but probably find a native speaker to confirm that’s right

  2. OutlandishnessOk2304 on

    They owe you money and will pay it to your account of record by Jan. 10 (today).

    Edit: typo

  3. SpinachSpinosaurus on

    you’re getting money back, but is this ALL of your Abrechnung? because that is NOT a valid nebenkostenabrechnung.

  4. Willy__Wonka__ on

    If the number is positive (without dash/minus), it usually means good because it’s your surplus balance. If the number is negative, it means you need to balance it to zero. But as the others said, you better show us the table/calculation just to be sure.

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