Die Liberalen werden „betrügerische“ Mitgliedschaften entfernen, da einige ihre Lieblingsmitglieder zum Wählen registrieren



  1. GraveDiggingCynic on

    I have no idea why in the 21st century we let political parties run their own leadership races with little or no supervision. The rules should be universal and the penalties for breaking them severe.

  2. I went to their website to check how easy registering would be, since it’s free, so no reason not to, and right on their front page is an article which still claims the “working canadian rebate” is going out in early spring. That legislation is already dead, and you’d think the Liberals would be focused on having their website up to date which many will be visiting, but if they can’t even do that properly, I doubt they’ll be able to run a leadership race effectively. On further inspection, it seems nothing has really been updated on the site in over a month. What the heck Liberals?

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