Hat Russland jemals mit Ihnen Krieg geführt?

Von Master1_4Disaster


  1. ObjectiveSentence533 on

    Ah, sweet little poor Germans and Italians, I hope they don’t hold a grudge.

  2. Stevad__UA on

    Russia with you or you with Russia? Sometimes, the order is very important.

  3. WilliamJamesMyers on

    i bet a Russian Irish wedding would be unbelievable and super rare

  4. Eli-Had-A-Book- on

    I’m going to be that guy…

    It should be has Russia or *SOVIET UNION* ever been at war with you. Russia is actually a very young country.

    Then lots of those neighboring countries were involved in a civil was (as they were actually part of the Soviet Union).

    So in many cases the Soviets were fighting themselves, not independent nations.

  5. jimmyrayreid on

    Ireland was in the UK at the time of the Crimean war. If you don’t include them, you shouldn’t include the UK either since both technically date from the 1920s

  6. Today’s Russia ≠ Russian Empire ≠ USSR ≠ one of the Kievan-Russian principalities. These maps are useless because you are comparing different itterations of a nation/area/people with even more itterations of other nations/areas/peoples.

    For example: yes, China was at one time at war with Mongolia. But it was during a different dynastic time of Chinese origin than the current republic that happens to be in the same place. They are different political entities within the same cultural region, so it’s not all the same, omnipresent national entity throughout history.

    This is why historical nuance is important. It is not this simple.

  7. CertainDeath777 on

    except belgium none of theese states existet for more then a 100 years. and also belgium is quite young.

  8. SomeLoser943 on

    Belarus has arguably been at war with Russia, the Belarusian People’s Republic did fight what would layer become the Soviets back in 1918. Also technically the Byelorussian SOVIET republic (before being annexed) arguably fought the Whites.

    Also their Government in Exile is the oldest exiled government to exist!

  9. Specialist-Emu-5119 on

    Ireland should be “Yes” as it was part of the UK when it was at war with Russia.

  10. EastToZest on

    Historically speaking: Russia also took all these countries to some form of totalizing pound-town they still have yet to forget or forgive…. Leading to the lesson that one Probably shouldn’t fork with Russia, then.

  11. Belarus- yes arguably so during the polish soviet war, if not then the wars between Poland Lithuania, which included conflicts within Belarus between Belarusians and Russians, and the argument could be made regarding the years following WW1 with white ruthenia

  12. Grzechoooo on

    Couldn’t the Slutsk Uprising count as a Belarusian war with Russia?

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