Das Donbass-Spezialeinheitsbataillon (18. Brigade, NGU) vernichtet Eindringlinge in der Region Chasiv Jar [31.12.24]

Von Falxifer


  1. I searched, but I couldn’t find this posted previously. If I’m wrong, please let me know.

  2. ChorniMalinyaUA on

    The fact that doggos have food in this shitshow comforts me.

  3. Chefdangerous-09 on

    The dog got me living his best life I worried I thought they was going to kill the dog

  4. double_teel_green on

    We thought they were eventual sunflowers… we didn’t see them as future dog food.

  5. Responsible_Meal_493 on

    Who would of thunk it? Drones are dinner bells for doggo’s.

  6. Glum-nd-Dumb on

    I gave my dog the side eye at the end of that video.
    That dog chowing down can never be a family pet anymore now it sees humans as a source of food

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