Sehr schmeichelhaft!
"Trump, 78, ist der am wenigsten intelligente Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten in der Neuzeit, und sein Alter hat ihn noch dümmer gemacht.

Wenn Sie dies mit pathologischem Narzissmus kombinieren und alle Berater auf der Grundlage ihrer Loyalität auswählen, entsteht am Ende diese Art von Aufregung. Und es kommt noch mehr."

Von Fennorama


  1. gnomo_anonimo on

    Trump is great, he’ll accelerate the downfall of the US like never before 

  2. DoubleSaltedd on

    I would say that a person who gains tens of millions of votes in three elections in a row cannot be described as being less intelligent. He knows what he is doing and so far has been very successful during his quite short tenure in politics.

  3. One shouldn’t underestimate someone just because they’re dumb. A dumb person that has a lot of power is still a person who has lots of power. And a dumb person can make dumb decisions with all that power.

  4. Dry_Stomach460 on

    Iltashit is just spreading propaganda and the journalists are being butthurt 😀

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