Der Mensch und nicht der Klimawandel haben möglicherweise Australiens Riesenkängurus ausgerottet
Humans, not climate change, may have wiped out Australia’s giant kangaroos
Der Mensch und nicht der Klimawandel haben möglicherweise Australiens Riesenkängurus ausgerottet
Humans, not climate change, may have wiped out Australia’s giant kangaroos
Dental analyses of ancient kangaroos reveal they weren’t such picky eaters as once thought, researchers report in the Jan. 10 Science. Instead, when it came to climate-related changes in food availability, the animals might have rolled with the punches, the scientists suggest.
[Read more here]( and the [research article here.](
It’s looking more and more likely that the overwhelming majority of large mammal extinctions over the past 50k years or so have been due to humans.
everyone knows this – Australian megafauna was eaten to extinction by Aboriginals – extinction of megafauna occurs right about the time humans cross the land-bridge from Indonesia to Australia. Stewards of the land? my arse!