Hallo, meine Großtante hat einen Brief von ihrer bulgarischen Cousine erhalten. Wir haben den Großteil der Nachricht verstanden, aber es gibt ein paar Wörter, mit denen wir Schwierigkeiten haben, da sie handgeschrieben sind und ihre Cousine etwa 95 Jahre alt ist.

Wenn uns jemand bei einer Übersetzung helfen könnte, wäre ich sehr dankbar. Dank im Voraus!


Von 11mx11


  1. danemepoznaqt on

    > Dear Niki and Francois (?),
    Apologies for getting in touch so late (nb: late as in a lot of time has passed, not as late in the evening), but as you can see I’m writing very poorly (my hands and feet ache a lot, maybe because it’s getting cold). I can’t move easily, but I’m trying, that’s what’s up with me. Pavlina (my brother’s daugher) had a serious spine surgery lasting 4 hours, but it was successful, thank God. This is where I’ll stop, as it’s hard for me to write. Kisses to all of you. I hope my pains pass so that I can write more often.

    It’s been awhile since I last wrote any literary texts, so it’s poorly written, but that’s the translation.

  2. IdiotNo22246 on

    Dear Niki and ..(can’t read it),

    I apologize for writing again with a delay, but as you can see, I write very poorly (my hands and legs hurt a lot – maybe because it’s gotten cold).
    I can’t move easily, but I’m trying – that’s how it is with me.
    Pavlina (my brother’s daughter) underwent a serious and major surgery on her spine, which lasted 4 hours, but thank God – it was successful.
    I’ll stop here because it’s difficult for me to write.

    Kisses to you all. I hope the pain will pass so I can write more.


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