Nostalgie-Moment – erinnern Sie sich an all diese Grundschulorganisationen aus den 80er Jahren? Ich bringe Fotos von Ausweisen/Karten mit. Lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie etwas Ähnliches hatten. An meiner Schule war es Pflicht, eine Mitgliedschaft zu beantragen.
Von manfromtheboat
1 Comment
I had 2 SKO cards. One was orange, one green. I changed school and it was not possible to move SKO account to other school so they issued me another card. I do not know what happened to money i put on the account. Bank took it? or school? It was ’70s, so probably gone for ever.
Oh, it was soo long ago. So many bad memories.
And i did not apply, i was ‘conscripted’, it was obligatory.