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Von Slight-Finance2576


  1. Graphicism on

    *Correction… Invented Jesus Christ

    They wrote the Bible, wrote themselves in as Gods chosen people; and divided mankind with the Idols Jesus and Muhammed.

  2. NiallHeartfire on

    Wow, you’re really on a mission aren’t you?

    So is it just the Jews, or are there others at fault for Hitlers death and all the other things you regret?

  3. IPreferDiamonds on

    You really seem like you are full of hate. I’m Jewish and I hope you don’t live near me. Geez!

    Not all Jews are wealthy and own/control things.

  4. Pretend_Meal1135 on

    I am a muslim. We dont worship the black cube What’s your thoughts though?

  5. jillvalenti3 on

    Everything beneath the first level will get you labeled as anti-semitic if you speak it in person

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