

Von Usernametaken00002


  1. DieMensch-Maschine on

    By nineteenth century American standards that defined whiteness by Anglo-Saxon heritage, we were “not white.”

  2. Fuzzy_Quiet2009 on

    American obsession with race is so weird. Especially since some of them don’t consider Slavs to be white. Sure, there are some darkies among us but most aren’t very different from Germans.

  3. AvocadoGlittering274 on

    That person is a Muslim Arab.
    Ask them where the word “slavery” comes from.

  4. Flat-Leg-6833 on

    Sadly the Irish in the United States were often very racist against other ethnic groups once they got established – many of the race riots in the 19th and early 20th century had heavy Irish American participation and the primary anti-Chinese immigrant organization in California was founded by an Irishman. The largest mass lynching in American history was done by an Irish American mob in New Orleans.

  5. Low-Art3297 on

    No, it’s not. Look up Polonization. Ask a Belarusian and Lithuanian how they felt about how Poles treated them pre-World War 2.

  6. Wintermute841 on

    Another weirdo sharply focused on race and the word “white” with little to no knowledge of world history.

  7. GlacialCycles on

    Hey, don’t forget your Baltic bros! We were getting colonised before it was cool 😅

    Not that it’s a competition, but if it was, pretty much only Ireland beats us on the time-spent-under-occupation metric.

    Though yeah, as someone mentioned, we’re all only “recently white”, so we get all the trauma but none of the woke bonus points 😐

  8. Article_5_enjoyer on

    The word “resistance” must come from some kind of black culture

  9. ResortSafe4880 on

    Wprawdzie nie znamy się, ale pozwoliłem sobie do Ciebie napisać.

    Szukam pomocy i jestem już dość mocno zdesperowany. Dlatego zacząłem szukać wśród nieznajomych.

    I w ten sposób trafiłem na Ciebie.

    Zwracam się zatem do Ciebie z prośbą, ale nie chciałbym, byś czuł się do czegoś zobowiązany.

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    Dziękuję, że zechciałeś przeczytać tę wiadomość.

    Pozdrawiam serdecznie. Życzę Ci wszystkiego, co dobre…

  10. blinkinbling on

    As if white people ever needed different coloured skin people to press them.

  11. Correct_Western2713 on

    90% of white people were slaves.
    In Europe they were called: “the peasants”.

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