Matt Damon schließt sich der von Kristen Bell und Tommy Marcus ins Leben gerufenen Initiative an, um Menschen bei der Bezahlung ihrer Arztrechnungen zu helfen


  1. Aggravating-Put-6011 on

    If most celebrities did this, we’d all but Wipeout medical debt..

  2. Fecal-Facts on

    Bro that’s cool but that’s not fixing the actual problem.

    They should all gather and take on the industry.

  3. Beautiful-Quality402 on

    This is good but life and death shouldn’t depend on the whims and generosity of a few rich people.

  4. FreezingRobot on

    Awesome, next push politicians to take another stab at healthcare reform. Obamacare was supposed to be the start of a longer term set of reforms, and they stopped (for obvious reasons).

  5. InformalPenguinz on

    I’ll take a hit. Being a type 1 diabetic in the states has been life alteringly expensive.

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