Der Sprung hat mir Angst gemacht💀

Von MinimumSpeaker6378


  1. shadowofsunderedstar on


    Followed by TEST

    Couldn’t test be first? 😅

  2. OkNeedleworker99 on

    Forgot about this. Just went for my afternoon power nap after drinking a cup of coffee. Well whatcha gonna do.

  3. Bardin_Goreksson on

    “Run for your lives!”.

    Oh, it’s a test warning… nevermind.

  4. Isn’t 6 month in between is too often? In real danger y’all will think it’s just a test

  5. Andy_Pandy98 on

    Perfectly timed alarm clock. Government take such good care of .e🥲

  6. Chemical-Computer-11 on

    Should be a way of turning off a test like this. I feel sorry for all the people who are working the graveyard shift and are working yet again tonight .. It happened to me the previous time, my pulse was about 150 and I was too mad to go back to sleep. And how did I not know? I’ve been reading a lot of news lately, but nothing about this.

  7. Future-Ad9795 on

    (Yyyy)(mm)(dd)? Is this America or what?

    Shouldn’t it be


  8. Crazy_plant_lady96 on

    I’ve only just moved to Norway about 2 months ago and this experience is…
    Genuinely though I was having a stroke for a split second and then started to panic, then realised that it was a test.

    That was some very stressful 20 seconds.

  9. It-was-notME on

    Well they did said in radio that in that day and time will be a test

  10. God. It scared the heck out of me. The last two times I knew there was going to be a test because I heard from others but not this one.

  11. This makes me so fucking mad. Didn’t anyone ever hear the story about the boy who cried wolf? That fucking alarm has gone from scaring me to just making me mad. If they keep testing it this often then no one is gonna take it seriously anymore.

  12. RandomLolHuman on

    If it’s 12.00 on a Wednesday it’s a test. Unless an enemy figure out our test scheme and attack at the same time.

    On a side note. After closing the message in panic, how can I open it again to actually read it?

  13. NotoriousKiefer on

    They did that test while I was in Turkey 1 week before that massive earthquake that took so many lives

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