Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass die tägliche Einnahme von 300 mg Kalzium, etwa die Menge, die in einem halben Liter Milch enthalten ist, mit einem um 17 % geringeren Risiko für Darmkrebs verbunden ist, wobei milchfreie Kalziumquellen wie angereicherte Sojamilch eine ähnliche Schutzwirkung haben



    1. Having a large glass of milk every day may cut the risk of bowel cancer by nearly a fifth, according to the largest study conducted into diet and the disease.

      An extra daily 300mg of calcium, about the amount found in half a pint of milk, was associated with a 17% lower risk of bowel cancer, researchers said, with non-dairy sources of calcium such as fortified soy milk having a similar protective effect

      This comprehensive study provides robust evidence that dairy products may help prevent colorectal cancer, largely due to the calcium they contain,” said Dr Keren Papier, the first author of the study and a senior nutritional epidemiologist at the University of Oxford.

      “Calcium was found to have a similar effect in both dairy and non-dairy sources, suggesting that it was the main factor responsible for cutting risk,” she added.

      Bowel cancer is the third most common cancer in the world causing nearly 2 million cases and one million deaths annually. New diagnoses are expected to reach 3.2 million by 2040, with deaths rising to 1.6 million largely because of rises in wealthy countries. For reasons that remain unclear, bowel cancer is rising sharply in younger people around the world. Between the early 1990s and 2018, the number of UK adults aged 25 to 49 diagnosed with bowel cancer rose 22%.


    2. pseudoliving on

      Wow, it might offset some of the cancer causing nitrates from dairy that leech into waterways and drinking water…

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